Non-Custodial Wallets Enable Private, P2P Crypto Trading in 2021

3 min readJul 26, 2021


Non-Custodial Wallets Enable Private, P2P Crypto Trading in 2021

Non-custodial exchanges are more difficult to use than custodial exchanges, but they allow users to perform private P2P crypto trades (including trades on coins that aren’t listed on custodial crypto exchanges), eliminate third-party risk, and maintain decentralisation. Users must utilise non-custodial wallets to use non-custodial exchanges.

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What is a P2P transaction?

P2P refers to peer-to-peer where

  • Every kind of exchange is between peers
  • No central body is in charge of controlling the exchange

P2P transactions in crypto refer to the transactions of cryptocurrencies between two wallets.

How were digital P2P transactions born?

Peer-to-peer sharing has its roots on the Internet. P2P music or file-sharing networks such as Napster acquired a lot of traction at first but eventually ran into legal complications due to copyright issues. However, BitTorrent trackers continue to exist in several jurisdictions, albeit their use has decreased due to legal restrictions imposed by a variety of legal regimes.

Today, peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing is a big topic once again, but this time it involves one of the most crucial human inventions: money. People can use blockchain technologies to make cryptocurrency transactions without the requirement for a central authority. Similarly, as we’ll explain below, we believe that, like the internet, these transactions are on their way to becoming less decentralised.

How are transactions made in the crypto world today?

A user needs to have a wallet in order to send or receive any type of cryptocurrency. The user either allows the exchange to take control of the user’s wallet and transact on his or her behalf. This is known as a custodial exchange, in which the user retains control of his or her wallet and completes transactions alone. This is accomplished through the use of a non-custodial wallet or exchange.

What is a custodial exchange/wallet?

The majority of consumers nowadays use custodial exchange platforms like Binance, Kraken, or Coinbase. The platform is in charge of maintaining the security of the wallets and keys.


  • User Interface that is Simple to Use (UI)
  • Staking your cryptos in a savings account and earning interest gambling are just a few of the complicated trading options and features available (e.g. by betting on the short term increase or decrease of a parity)

Disadvantages are:

  • The risk posed by a third party. The exchange, for example, could fail or carry out incorrect or fraudulent transactions). Both of these incidents occurred in crypto exchanges and other custody systems, like banking.
  • Due to third-party risk, there is a lack of anonymity.
  • Only the coins on the list are allowed to be traded.

What is a non-custodial exchange/wallet?

A non-custodial exchange platform is one where the user has complete control over their wallet. People who have their own wallets have complete control over their cryptocurrencies, passwords, and keys, and their passwords, keys, and coins are not held by a central entity. Mobile apps, desktop programmes, and browser extensions are all examples of non-custodial exchanges.

For Details about Non-Custodial Wallets Refer Our blog:





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